Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Credit Solutions (CSA) Under Fire for Bad Practices.

The Debt Settlement industry has been under scrutiny recently because of the inability of some companies to complete the task they promise and for their fee structuring. Suit has been filed against Credit Solutions (CSA) a large Debt Settlement company out of Texas. In fact, they're right down the road. It's unfortunate that the true reason for debt settlement, and the customer service aspect have been overlooked for a price.

While CSA may not be a shining example, there are good debt settlement companies out there dedicated to helping consumers get out of debt. It is always best that you do your homework on a company prior to making a decision. Debt Settlement is not right for everyone and should be approached as a way to resolve your debt without filing bankruptcy, not a solution just to get away with paying less than you owe.

Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro filed a proposed class-action lawsuit against Credit Solutions of America (CSA) claiming the company is violating federal prohibitions on predatory behavior against individuals in significant debt. CSA offers itself to consumers as an intermediary between consumers and their debtors generally claiming the company can help people shrink their debt by 60 percent.

Before beginning work with any customer CSA requires that 15 percent of a customer’s total debt be paid to CSA through monthly payments with three large installments in the first three months. In addition CSA instructs customers to stop paying their creditors so negotiations can begin. This leads to a range of lawsuits, attorneys’ fees and litigation costs for unpaid debts and leaves customers far worse off then when they came to CSA.

If you are working with CSA, have signed a contract and made at least one monthly payment you may be eligible to join this class. You can contact HBSS at info@hbsslaw.com , click here to join this case, or call 206-623-7292.

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